Today was the first day of our Great Costa Rica Adventure!
Prior to our departure, Isaac and I were discussing footwear. Now, I have to say, neither one of us is what you would call "fashionable". I still wear clothes that I was wearing 10 years ago and Isaac, well if you know Isaac, I needn't say more.
But we went for trendy for this trip. We couldn't resist the attraction of the new "non-shoes"--vibram fivefingers. So far, we have found them to be quite comfortable, but more than that, quite the conversation starter!
The other passenger on our trip is my birthday present from my
It gets quite cold in the airport
But look how well I can use my hands!!!
That's right, we're bringing the "cult of snuggie" to Costa Rica.
Welcome to Costa Rica!
You wear your snuggie well. Looks like you're starting out staying in a nice place. Glad you made it safe and happy. Have a blast!
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