Sang tao - It's not the wind-in-your-face feel of a motorcycle, but it's light years better than a taxi.

Itsy, bitsy, spider... The 1000 baht note in the bottom half of the screen is approx the size of a one dollar bill, and it's stuck to the (probably pissed off) spider's web.

Marguerite, before the fun part. Ton Sai beach (Hat Ton Sai) is in the back ground.

For those who wonder about how to use computers... they had to pull the Mazda out from in front of the seats so we could use this one yesterday.

Marguerite, in the middle of the fun part. Who can beat climbing on the beach like this??! Well, we're not quite ON the beach in this photo...
Great photos! I am officially jealous. Enjoy the beach, cause you know you are coming back to good old Peterson Hall in the end. And for god's sake, DON'T kiss any snakes (except Isaac, of course!)
Okay, I second the official jealous thing. Except for all that hanging off of sheer cliff walls stuff, seriously- that jive is just crazy. Go back to the beach.
PS- thanks for the photos- made my day.
Hey Isaac and Marguerite!
Glad to see that you two are having such a good time. Thanks for the pics! And yes, I'm jealous too!
I started my student teaching this week, so there are finally some people other than Isaac calling me Mr Fray...
Safari salama (travel well ;-)
Scott and Maureen
Looks like an amazing place! I'm glad you're having such a great time - and it's really nice that it's so cheap!!! I can't believe you saw a boy kiss a cobra. Marguerite, you've got to take the camera from Isaac and take some pictures of him too!
We got back last night. It was a super fun trip, but I'm happy to be home.
Stay safe and happy travels!
Hi Nick
Your photo is as close as I'll ever get to climbing a rock. Girls love the photos. Have fun.
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