Friday, January 28, 2011

Baby Gift Suggestions!

Ok folks, if you really want to get baby gifts for our new baby, here is what we suggest:

  • Anything hand made is awesome and always welcome!
  • Toys of any kind. We love the more creative and learning-type rather than mechanical and battery operated--but anything is fine
  • Books--seriously you can never have too many books
  • Anything that would make it easier for us to camp with the kid--for example one of those co-sleeper things that you use in your bed--sort of defines the baby space.
  • Diapers--not very exciting, but we've heard great things about Bum Genius brand of cloth diapers. They range from $9-$16 each and we'll need quite a few of them--so if you want to get practical, that would be a great choice!
  • Washable baby wipes--especially organic materials
  • Any kind of memory book or baby book--to record moments--we don't have anything like that
  • Picture frames or any other kind of neat nursery decoration is great
  • If you really want to buy baby clothes--we won't refuse, but we have gotten SO many hand-me-downs from friends that we suggest that you pick some of the larger size clothes. We have tons of 0-3 month outfits, quite a few 3-6 month outfits, but not so many above 6 month old. We know its not as much fun buying the older clothes, but we are running out of space for the little stuff! Just as a guideline, she will likely be in the following sizes at the following times: 0-3 months for the months of March-May, 3-6 months in May-August, 6-9 months in August through November, and 9-12 months in November through February (Just in case you're tempted to get her a 3-6 month old snow suit!). Again, if you really can't refuse the itty bitty outfits, we certainly won't turn up our noses!
Here are some larger items that we don't have yet if you find them used or wish to give gift certificates (please do not attempt to purchase these new on your own--way too generous!)
  • high chair (we might just get one from Ikea for $20, but we haven't decided yet)
  • jogging stroller (we've been given a regular stoller--for when she's older, but it would be nice to have a jogging one to get Marguerite back in shape!)
  • bike trailer??
  • One of those more substantial backpack-type baby carriers for longer hikes
  • We still don't have a crib--we do have a bassinet though.
Here are the things that we have already either been given, purchased, or promised (just in case it gives you some ideas or you want to get accessories)
  • Britax infant car seat is allegedly on the way from Isaac's sister
  • Two types of slings for newborns
  • Bumpo chair
  • Baby bathtub
  • Medela breast pump
  • Arm's Reach type bassinet
  • first aid kit for babies
  • diaper changing pad
Ok I think that does it for now. We'll update as we think of other things!

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The end of the pregnancy adventure

We haven't been writing about our latest adventure--the adventure of pregnancy--but most people who read this blog know that Isaac and I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our yet-to-be-named baby girl. Her due date is coming up fast and we are starting to accumulate lots of baby accoutrements. We are extremely fortunate to have some really great friends and neighbors (Will and Emily Baldwin, our neighbor Dave, our neighbors Jen and Eric, Megan and Reid Swan, Allison and Derek, our friend Jamie Brown's sister, Isaac's sister Sarah, and my friend Steph to name a few!) that have children of similar age that have given us an amazing amount of stuff. We are ever-so grateful!!!

However, we have other friends, most of whom do not yet have children, who have been asking us about our registry and what kind of gifts they can give us. This support is overwhelming and our first instinct is to politely refuse--but we know that baby things are really stinkin cute and it is really fun to buy stuff for someone else's baby! So our next post provides a list of "suggested" baby gifts. We decided not to formally register because we didn't want to limit people to one store or another. Another issue is that here in Flagstaff, the choice of baby gear stores is quite limited--which makes the internet the best option. Everyone knows you can always find better deals by doing a google search than by just going to one store--so we welcome bargain shopping!

In addition, we are not opposed to gently used gear--so if you have access to a good thrift store or craiglist--by ALL MEANS use it!

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